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Report on South Asia Research at Lund University

The 2020 report provides a comprehensive overview of current and previous research at Lund University on the South Asian region. Categorised by Lund University departments and faculties, previous SASNET intern Anni-Elina Vänska listed researchers that have conducted work on or in South Asia. She also included a number of interviews with Lund University researchers. You can find the full report her - 2025-03-07

Project for Nordic-India Relationship (PNIR)

Cooperation between the Nordic region and India is expanding and deepening. Government, industry and people-to-people connections are wide-ranging. With expanding connections follows a greater need to understand one another’s past, present - and possible futures - when shaping policy and strategy. The Project for Nordic-India Relations (PNIR) is a public-private partnership born out of an identifi - 2025-03-07

SASNET Reports

Read and download published SASNET reports.   Fuzzy Borders and Postcolonial Forgotten Zones: The Case of Indo-Bangladeshi Enclaves Amrita Ghosh (2021) Education as an empowerment tool for women in Afghanistan Maliha Shir Mohammad (2021) The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism Orwa Ajjoub (2021) Islamic Reformism and malayāḷi ummah in Nineteenth-Century Colonial - 2025-03-07

Violent Jihadist Ideology in South Asia: Socio-Political Implications

Throughout the summer of 2020, violent extremist organizations continued their activities in South Asia. Though violence is a major element in jihadist ideology, this report directs our attention to the wider implications of jihadi propaganda. Values concerning rights, democracy, and equality are all subverted and targeted by jihadi political messaging, working to the detriment of local and intern - 2025-03-07

Maliha Shir Mohammad

Maliha recently completed her master's degree in Gender Studies at Lund University. Previously, she obtained degrees in Asian Studies and International Relations from Lund University and Malmö University. Her academic work focuses on women's rights in Afghanistan and various aspects of the lives of Afghan women in Sweden. She has written about domestic violence in the Afghan diaspora in Sweden and - 2025-03-07

SASNET Conference 2020: Rethinking the Politics of Memory in South Asia

SASNET is hosting an online conference on "Rethinking the Politics of Memory in South Asia" on 9-10 December 2020.     Context: The current debates around the politics of memory and memorialization reinforce that the act of remembrance and forgetting in the present does not exist in isolation from the past that informs them. This mnemohistorical continuity becomes even more apparent in the current - 2025-03-07

Islamic Reformism and malayāḷi ummah in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Kerala, South West Indian Ocean

This paper offers a social history of the relationship between Islamic reform and malayāḷi Muslim in the context of colonial Kerala. Kerala Muslims are one of the largest Muslim communities in India, and a majority are the descendants of Arab traders and local women, or of local converts known as Mappilas. This article relates the reformist agenda in the writings of Sayyid Sanā’ullāh Makti Tan - 2025-03-07


SASNET promotes knowledge of the South Asian region by drawing attention to and bringing together publications about the region here. Previously, SASNET produced its own research report publication series and the academic publication Chakra: A Nordic Journal of South Asian Studies. They can be found below. Read and download recent publications here.   Lund University Publications Chakra Journal SA - 2025-03-07


SASNET participates in or has established partnerships with several networks within the Nordic region and beyond, focusing on the South Asian subcontinent. Find out more about SASNET's partners by clicking on the links below.   Project for Nordic-India Relations (PNIR) PNIR is a public-private partnership and is part of the Asia programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI).  As - 2025-03-07

Former researchers

Find out more about SASNET's previous scholarships and guest researchers. SASNET has had reseachers from the start, many of whom have come through short-term fellowships:  The ICCR professorship An ICCR professorship programme was run at Lund University during four years, 2010–2014. The programme was an outcome of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICC - 2025-03-07

Former directors

From its inception in 2000 until today, SASNET has been led by four directors, Staffan Lindberg (2000-2007), Anna Lindberg (2007-2016), Andreas Johansson (2016-2021) and the current SASNET director Ted Svensson. Read more about the previous directors and their work by clicking on the links below.   Staffan Lindberg Staffan Lindberg was SASNET Director from 2000 to 2007. Anna Lindberg Anna Lindberg - 2025-03-07

Nordic Centre in India (NCI)

The Nordic Centre in India has an India Liaison office in Delhi and a Secretariat that circulates between the member universities in the Nordic region.   The Nordic Centre in India (NCI) is a consortium of leading universities and research institutions in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Established in 2001 with the objective to facilitate cooperation in research and higher education - 2025-03-07


The Network for Asian Studies (Asianettverket) is based at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo, Norway. Asianettverket is a Norwegian research network promoting studies and research on Asia, and sharing knowledge about the region's history, society, culture, politics and the environment. The network was founded in 1996 and is led by a group of scholars in - 2025-03-07

The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism

In his newly published report "From Afghanistan to Syria: The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism", funded by SASNET and the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University, researcher Orwa Ajjoub interrogates the complicated relationship between the theological concepts of jihadi-Salafism and the ever-changing socio-political context in which they - 2025-03-07

Education as an empowerment tool for women in Afghanistan

  In her report "Education as an empowerment tool for women in Afghanistan: the insider perspectives of educated Afghan women", which is a summary of her MA thesis, author Maliha Shir Mohammad explores the understudied topic of the lived experiences of educated Afghan women and investigates their perspectives on education as an empowerment tool, in addition to their challenges and motivations for - 2025-03-07

Fuzzy Borders and Postcolonial Forgotten Zones: The Case of Indo-Bangladeshi Enclaves

  Abstract: This is a preliminary pilot project that encompasses an overview on the Indo-Bangladeshi complex borderlands, focusing on the enclaves or ‘chitmahals’ that became unique stateless conflict zones between India and Bangladesh. A historic Land Boundary Agreement was signed in 2015, that officially exchanged all chitmahals of both Indian and Bangladeshi side towards incorporation and inclu - 2025-03-07

Accessibility Statement

This website is run by SASNET. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and this document describes how complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them. How accessible is We know some parts of this website aren't fully accessible. See the section on non- - 2025-03-07

A Nation and its Fault Lines

From June 2021 to February 2022 This project focused on historical ruptures within the Indian nation since the Partition of 1947, 1971 and the present moment that includes the long Kashmir conflict as a painful legacy of the colonial border alignments and construction of the two nation-states. It raises questions on belonging and and the idea of citizenship in its creation of the ‘other’ within th - 2025-03-07

Amrita Ghosh

RESEARCHER Dr. Amrita Ghosh was a researcher at SASNET with the project "A Nation and its Fault Lines", from June 2021 to February 2022. She has worked on a postdoc at Linnaeus University, Center of Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. During the postdoc she worked on emerging literature, films and visual texts on and from Kashmir, representing the conflict in myriad ways. Her monogr - 2025-03-07